Uniqlo Same-Day Delivery With Getcho
Do you want your Uniqlo order delivered to your home? Use Getcho for same-day delivery of your Uniqlo orders.
How to Getcho Uniqlo for same-day delivery
Getcho is here to help you order on-demand deliveries at low prices with great customer service. Unlike many other couriers you might encounter, Getcho is peer-to-peer. That means you aren’t limited to ordering only from a store or business.
All you need to do is place a curbside pickup order at uniqlo.com, then use the Getcho app to send a driver to pick up your purchase. (Example: same-day delivery with any curbside)
Place your Uniqlo curbside pickup order
Add items to your cart.
On checkout, be sure to select “Pick up in store.”
Under “Find a store,” enter your zip code and select a store.
Finish going through the checkout process. Once complete, you’ll receive an email confirming your order.
Once your order is ready for pickup, you will receive an email with the pickup information.
Click the link under “Barcode for item receipt.” It will take you to a page with your membership barcode.
TIP: Hold onto your order number and screenshot the barcode, which you’ll need to share with your Getcho driver.
Download Getcho
Download the Getcho app from the App Store or the Play Store and create a free account if you don’t have one yet.

Input your pickup details
Store address: Make sure you enter the address for the right Uniqlo location. Start typing Uniqlo and you’ll be able to see the locations near you.
Name on order: Enter the name you ordered with.
Phone number: Enter your own phone number. That way, a driver can call or text you if there are any issues.
Pickup Notes: Enter all of the information your driver will need to find your order. Something like:
“This is a curbside order under John Smith. Order # is 2293102. Call if you have any problems!”
Input your drop-off details
Enter your phone number and any notes that will help a driver find you to drop off your order (apartment number, special instructions, etc…)
Submit your order now or schedule for later. Getcho will send you a tracking link to track your driver. Feel free to contact your driver and check in anytime!

Help your driver find your order
Once your driver is on their way, you just have one more step: Send your driver a screenshot of the barcode you received.
That’s it! Your driver will grab your order and bring it straight to you. Enjoy the free time you saved by using Getcho.