Same-Day Curbside Pickup Delivery in NYC with Getcho

Getcho is a on-demand delivery service in NYC that offers to pick up your curbside orders for you! Whether you’re looking for the latest trendy Athleisure from Lululemon, stylish shoes from Nordstrom, high-quality appliances from Home Depot, or top-notch outdoor gear from REI, Getcho has got you covered.

What sets Getcho apart is its commitment to providing unparalleled convenience and customer support. No matter how busy your schedule is or where you are located in NYC, Getcho offers same-day delivery, giving you your precious time back.

How to use Getcho for curbside pickup delivery in NYC

The process is simple. You can buy online at any store in NYC that offers curbside pickup and use Getcho to dispatch a courier to pick up your order! (PS: We have compiled a list of our users’ favorite stores here)

Shopping for a specific item for curbside pickup in NYC

Looking for a specific item rather than a specific store? No problem, we’ve got you covered:

  1. Use Google Shopping to find your item: Go to Google Shopping and type in the item you need.
  2. Select “Available Neaby”: Since Getcho covers up to 20 miles, filter the results by items from NYC stores near you (refer to the image below).
  3. Shop: Scroll through the list and select any item that shows “In-store pickup” or “Curbside pickup”.
  4. Get instant quotes: Once your order is ready, use our simple online quote generator to receive instant prices and delivery time estimates.

Getcho + Google Shopping

Downloading Getcho

Now, you are ready to get started with Getcho! Simply download the Getcho app from the App Store or the Play Store.

Dispatching your courier

You can start creating quotes for your deliveries without creating an account. Just input the pickup and drop-off addresses, and you’ll instantly receive prices and time estimates. Once you’re done and the order is ready, provide the relevant pickup and drop-off information.

Getcho Quote Screen

Input your pick-up details

  1. Pickup for: Enter the name on the order so the driver can easily find your curbside pickup.
  2. Pickup contact number: Enter your phone number. This will allow the bike messenger to contact you if there are any issues.
  3. Pickup instructions: Please provide any additional information necessary to ensure a successful pickup. For example, if the seller provides an order ID, add that information in the “pickup notes.” It’s also helpful to send a screenshot of the order confirmation to the courier once dispatched!

Input your drop-off details

Please include any relevant notes to help the driver locate your drop-off location. This may include apartment numbers, special instructions, or any other details that can facilitate a smooth delivery.

That’s it! Getcho will send you a tracking link to monitor the status of your courier riding around NYC with your curbside pickup. Feel free to contact your driver and check in anytime!

Getcho Tracking Screen

Supporting Local Businesses in NYC through Getcho

Getcho not only offers convenience to shoppers but also supports local businesses in New York City. By leveraging same-day delivery, Getcho helps smaller stores compete with giants like Amazon. It creates a win-win situation where customers can shop at their favorite stores, while local businesses gain additional sales opportunities. With every curbside pickup delivery made through Getcho, you contribute to the growth of your favorite local spots in New York City.

Using Getcho for your curbside pickup needs in NYC

Getcho is changing the NYC shopping experience by bringing the convenience of curbside pickup delivery to your fingertips. Say goodbye to long queues, train delays, parking troubles, and time-consuming store visits. Enjoy your free time by shopping from the comfort of your home or office, knowing that your purchases will be swiftly delivered to you at your leisure. Embrace the power of convenience and discover a new way to shop in the city.

Enjoy Hassle-Free Deliveries Today!

It takes 30 seconds to get a quote. So why wait? Download the Getcho App now and experience the ultimate convenience in courier services at your fingertips!

QR code to download Getcho
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Thousands of people have used Getcho. Discover how we helped them.

At Getcho, we are committed to making it easier than ever to send anything you need. We do so by providing our customers with the most reliable and convenient courier service possible. Don't just take our word for it - check out our customer reviews and see for yourself how we are helping people live hassle-free.

Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

    • What is Getcho?

      Getcho (“get-cho”) is a platform for requesting on-demand deliveries. Forget mail. We send a courier to the pickup point the second you submit an order. Deliveries typically take under 45 minutes. No need to meet the driver.

    • What can I deliver with Getcho?

      Our customers use Getcho to deliver just about anything. Here are a few ideas to get started:
    • How do I request a delivery?

      • Upon opening the app input your pickup and drop-off address in the inputs at the bottom of the page. Once you do you will see your delivery ETA and price estimate.
      • Next, fill-out the pick-up information. If you have any specific instructions, add them to the notes. For example: "My package will be in front of the door." Or, "My order number is 12345."
      • Next, fill in the drop-off information and add any instructions your driver needs to know about the delivery. For example, “Please carry this package right-side up.” Or, “Leave it at the front desk.”
      • Finally, add a description for the payload type and select a pickup time if you need.
      • Ready to make it official? Click "Order Now" and your package is on the move.
    • What can't I send?

      Items must be under 80 pounds and must be able to fit in a vehicle. To find a list of prohibited items, please check out our terms page, under "prohibited Getcho items."

    • How much does a delivery cost?

      Our prices are flexible! Feel free to play around with our quote generator above

    • How do small businesses use Getcho?

      We partner with medium and small businesses to help them compete with the biggest online retailers. Unlike other delivery services, Getcho won’t charge your business with delivery fees. We want local business to thrive, and we’re here to provide courier services for anything your team needs delivered. Our priority is to keep business moving - and keep your employees and customers safe.

    • How do I become a driver?

      Interested in driving for Getcho? Fill out this formand we will reach out to you if we see any potential in your area.

    • Are there monetary value limits to the packages?

      • All items valued under $30 will be insured by default. This means that any delivery with a declared value of $30 or less will automatically be covered by insurance.
      • For items with a declared value between $30 and $300, customers have the option to purchase additional insurance coverage for a fee of 8% of the item value minus the basic insurance coverage provided. This fee will be added to the total delivery cost.
      • Items with a declared value over $300 are not eligible for additional insurance coverage. In this case, they will be covered for up to $300.

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