Have a curbside order? Have a Getcho driver pickup and deliver it right to you.
The process is simple:
1. Order items from your favorite store.
Find your favorite local business that offers curbside pickup orders, and call or visit their site to pay for your item and place an order for pickup.
You can use Getcho to support small restaurants, shop at local stores and make those out-of-the-way pickups that you don’t want to drive on your own. Click here to read a few more ways customers use Getcho.
By the way, Getcho is extra great for small businesses.
2. Open the Getcho app and enter the store’s name and address.
In the “store address" field, write the name of the store on the order
Don’t worry if your store isn’t listed as a Getcho partner. We’ll pick up from anywhere with a working address.
3. Input your pickup information.
Add anything your courier needs to know in the “notes” field. For example, do you have an order number? Should your courier park in a certain spot or give the store a secret password?
4. Enter drop-off details
Put in the relevant drop-off information and be sure to use the “notes” field to add anything else the courier needs to know (apt #, gate code etc..)
5. Dispatch your Getcho.
Send your driver to get your order now, or schedule a delivery for later.
6. Your will receive your items shortly!
Use our tracker to see how close they are. Happy shopping!